Welcome to Lancaster Music Makers
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Some History & Information
Founded in 1988, the Lancaster Music Makers are a small, independent group of musicians which was set up with the aim of helping local musicians – instrumentalists, pianists and singers – to make music together, and to stage their own concerts. Our numbers include both amateur and professional musicians (the latter including teachers, accompanists and performers). Our concerts are open to anybody who wishes to gain performing experience. We cater for musicians of all ages and levels. The main emphasis in our concerts is on classical music, as this reflects the interest of most of our supporters, but we enjoy regular digressions into related genres, such as traditional folk and jazz.
Our concerts take place two or three times each term, usually about six weeks apart. We are very fortunate to have the use of the Chapel of the University of Cumbria (formerly St. Martin’s College) and its magnificent Steinway grand piano.
The atmosphere is informal and friendly, and most of those taking part in our concerts find the experience very positive and enriching. Those of us who have been involved since the outset have gained enormously in confidence and musicianship. We have also provided a very useful proving ground for young performers working towards exams.

(Left) The late Peter Croser, formerly honorary president of Lancaster Music Makers, pictures with Rosemary Brown, founder of Lancaster Music Makers, and Oliver Nelson. Peter was a regular visitor, giving concerts and offering tutorials to pianists among our number.
Concerts, normally on Friday nights, start at 7.30 p.m., and current admission charges (used to defray the cost of hiring the Chapel) are £6 and £5 concessions. The latter apply to seniors, students and the unwaged. Programmes and refreshments are included.
We are always very happy to welcome newcomers, either as performers or audience members. If you would like to perform at one of our concerts, please get in touch at least four weeks prior to the event. Contact details are on the 'Contacts and Links'